

Enrollment Fees

Basic Enrollment - $100

12 Month Enrollment - $50

Monthly Dues

Individual - $49
(16 years of age or older)

Couple - $77
Legally married couple or parent and child (natural or adopted) between the ages of 12-21 currently enrolled in school, over which parent has legal guardianship or tutorship. Children 12-15 must be accompanied by their parent at all times.

Family - $95
Primary member, member’s spouse (legally married), and/or children (natural or adopted) between the ages of 12-21 currently enrolled in school, over which parent has legal guardianship or tutorship. Children 12-15 must be accompanied by their parent at all times. Free childcare included in family membership.

Monthly Sales Specials: Please call (318) 445-9006 or come by to see any Sales Representative.

Corporate Companies and Seniors 55 & older receive a $5 discount on monthly dues.